Life Sciences: What's new in France?

February 28, 2020

Read more about the recent developments in the life sciences sector in France.


  • Plavix Case: Sanofi Escapes Liability in Damages Claim Launched by the French State
  • Consequences of France’s PACTE law on Statute of Limitations on Patent Nullity Actions
  • The 2020 Social Security Financing Act Provides Legal Basis for the French Medical Cannabis Pilot Programme
  • The French National Authority for Health Proposes a Novel Approach to Assess Advanced Therapies
  • French regulation against shortages of medicinal products reinforced
  • The Paris Court of Appeal Upholds the French Competition Authority’s Decision Sanctioning Janssen-Cilag’s Intervention Before the French Health Regulator
  • Obligation to State Reasons in a Decision Conditioning the Reimbursement of Medicines

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