How Meyer v. Uber Could Demonstrate That Uber and the Sharing Economy Fit into Antitrust Law
Recently, Uber driver (and former Uber CEO) Travis Kalanick has been sued under antitrust laws. The plaintiffs argue that Mr. Kalanick and the other Uber drivers have engaged in a price fixing arrangement that violates§1 of the Sherman Act. The case, Meyer v. Uber (originally Meyer v. Kalanick), is still being litigated. This Comment will analyze each side’s potential arguments and will ultimately conclude that the court should find Uber drivers not guilty of a Sherman Act violation. This determination will be based on: the merits of the various arguments, how such a holding would fit within the history of antitrust law, and how it would set effective precedent for the future. Additionally, this Comment argues that Uber’splace in the sharing economy distinguishes it from previous antitrust violators the plaintiffs will likely analogize it to.