Crossed Wires: Private Equity Firms not Immune to Antitrust Risks

January 22, 2019
International Financial Law Review

On July 12 2018, the General Court of the European Union handed down several judgments relating to the European Commission’s Power Cables cartel case. Among these was a judgment which confirmed the joint and several liability of a private equity investor for antitrust infringements committed by a former portfolio company (Case T-419/14 – The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. v. Commission).

Dechert lawyers Clemens Graf York von Wartenburg and Michael I. Okkonen analyse the judgment and discuss its practical implications for private equity companies.

Read International Financial Law Review's article Crossed Wires (PDF) or its online version Power Cables Case: Lessons for Private Equity (available via a free subscription to IFLR). 



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