Rory O’Connor
Associate | London
Rory O’Connor

Rory O’Connor, a senior associate in Dechert’s global finance practice, qualified as a solicitor in Ireland with a leading Dublin law firm in January 2015, is England and Wales qualified and is also a Cayman Islands qualified attorney.

He advises on a variety of banking, corporate, securitization, structured finance and regulatory matters, with a particular focus on CLOs.

He regularly represents managers, arrangers and investors in respect of European CLO transactions and their related warehouse financing facilities and additionally has extensive U.S. CLO market experience as issuer counsel on a wide variety of U.S. securitizations and CLOs.Mr. O’Connor has extensive experience in both private practice and in house environments.

Mr. O’Connor’s secondments as a CLO structurer on the European CLO desk of a U.S. investment bank and as a securities and derivatives counsel on the European CLO desk of a European investment bank have enhanced his experience in the CLO field.

Mr. O’Connor also frequently advises on regulatory issues connected with the CLO and securitisation market, with a particular focus on risk retention structuring, transparency reporting and ESG matters.

Mr. O’Connor is recommended by The Legal 500 UK for securitization.

  • Barings as to regulatory advice related to its European compliant US CLO offerings. Additionally, in December 2024, Rory advised Barings on the first ever European middle market CLO, a ground breaking transaction in the European CLO landscape.
  • Palmer Square Europe Capital Management LLC on both its “static” and “actively managed” portfolio of European CLO transactions. Notably, Rory advised Palmer Square on their July 2024 Palmer Square European Loan Funding 2024-2 DAC static CLO issuance, the largest European CLO on record since the financial crisis in 2008.
  • AB CarVal on its inaugural European CLO transaction and related warehouse financing facilityin addition to all of AB CarVal’s subsequent European CLO issuances. 
  • Anchorage Capital on its entire European CLO platform and warehouse facilities to date.
  • Five Arrows Managers LLP on its European CLO platform and warehouse facilities.
  • Blackstone as to regulatory advice related to its European compliant US CLO offerings.
  • HPS as to regulatory advice related to its European compliant US CLO offerings.
  • A number of CLO investors as to their investment strategies in European CLO transactions and warehouses.


    • National University of Ireland, Galway, Bachelor of Civil Law, 2009
    • Erasmus University Rotterdam, LL.M., Commercial Law, 2012
    • Ireland, 2015
    • England and Wales, 2016
    • Cayman Islands, 2018