Global Legal Insights - Bribery and Corruption - UK and US Chapters

November 18, 2014

Global enforcement of anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws has increased in recent years, with the passage of the UK Bribery Act of 2010, aggressive enforcement of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and strengthened laws in many other jurisdictions. Businesses operating in a global marketplace must often comply with many countries’ legal regimes simultaneously. Companies must integrate robust anti-corruption procedures into their corporate compliance program, with particular risk-based attention to transactions and relationships that raise the possibility of anti-corruption liability, such as consultant relationships, mergers, and joint ventures.

Global Legal Insights – Bribery and Corruption, published by Global Legal Group Ltd of London, sets forth the legal environment regarding bribery and corruption enforcement in 27 countries worldwide. In addition to addressing the legal regimes in each jurisdiction, the authors identify current trends in enforcement and anticipated changes in the future.

Jonathan Pickworth and Deborah Williams edited the volume and contributed the chapter on UK law and enforcement. Jeremy Zucker and Elisa Wiygul contributed the chapter on U.S. law and enforcement. These chapters cover topics including:

  • Scope and extra-territorial reach of the U.S. and UK laws
  • Key differences between the U.S. and UK laws
  • Recent enforcement trends
  • Criminal, civil, and other sanctions for violations
  • Deferred prosecution agreements and other resolutions
  • Due diligence and self-reporting
  • Whistleblower provisions

Read the United Kingdom chapter >>
Read the United States chapter >>
View links to all 27 chapters of the guide, where the guide is also available for purchase.

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