Demystifying Privilege - A Dechert Webinar Series - Part Three: Selecting the Law of Privilege in International Arbitration

April 28, 2021

In international arbitration, there can be a lack of certainty as to the applicable rules of privilege and how these rules will be applied in certain situations. This creates a potential for parties to be surprised by the forced disclosure of documents that they believed to be privileged, sometimes in violation of deeply-held expectations regarding the client-lawyer relationship.

In this three-part webinar series, Dechert has cut through the complexity to provide a survey of how rules of privilege vary around the world and practical guidance to parties for managing privilege issues in international disputes.

In Part Three of this webinar series, we will use practical examples and case studies to address the unique privilege-related issues that arise in the context of international commercial and investor-state arbitrations, including:

  • The relevance of the law of the seat of the arbitration, the governing law of the contract and the rules applicable to counsel for determining whether potentially privileged documents should be disclosed and/or admitted in international arbitration; and
  • The choice-of-law analysis undertaken by tribunals and other criteria typically used to select the applicable rules of privilege in international disputes.

For queries related to this event, please contact Abby Cook.

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