Health and Welfare Plan Administrative Services Agreements: Structuring, Executing and Monitoring Contracts

October 18, 2016

Selecting, monitoring and ensuring the effectiveness of third-party service providers in the context of health and welfare benefits administration is generally accomplished through an administrative services agreement. Negotiating these agreements raises a host of complex compliance, risk management and business considerations for employers and service providers.

An effective administrative services agreement clearly outlines the scope of services being rendered; defines the rights and obligations of the parties, including fiduciary responsibilities; addresses compliance with ERISA and other applicable federal and state laws; and includes well-crafted risk management provisions, including indemnification and liability limitations.

Benefits counsel negotiating administrative services agreements on behalf of employers or third-party service providers must have a thorough knowledge of the risks and liabilities involved to negotiate the most favorable terms for the client and avoid pitfalls.

The panel will prepare employee benefits counsel to advise employers and third-party service providers on negotiating administrative services agreements for health and welfare plans. They will discuss practical legal and business considerations for structuring, executing and monitoring these agreements. 

The webinar will review these and other key issues:

  • What factors should counsel take into account when selecting third-party providers to administer health and welfare benefit plans?
  • What key terms should be included in administrative services agreements?
  • What are the ERISA-required provisions and disclosures that need to be included in administrative services agreements?

 For more information, please visit the program website.

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