Hans Stamm
Partner | Munich
Hans Stamm

Hans Stamm, lawyer and qualified tax attorney, advises on private funds (with a focus on renewable energy, debt, real estate and private equity funds) and structured asset management products (e.g. fund-linked notes and insurance wrappers), including on the legal and tax structuring and marketing of such products. Additionally, Mr. Stamm regularly advises on digital asset investment products (including on Crypto Funds and structuring security tokens). Mr. Stamm’s clients include fund sponsors and asset management companies, investment banks and institutional investors.

Mr. Stamm is recommended as a leading lawyer in the area of investment funds: fund formation and tax in Germany by independent directories, including The Legal 500, JUVE Handbook and Chambers. He is continually recognized by German nationwide daily Handelsblatt as one of the “Best Lawyers in Germany” for investment funds and private equity. Chambers noted in recent editions that "Hans Stamm is known for his understanding of both German and American tax issues", is "especially prominent on regulatory matters", and lauded by clients for his "broad and deep knowledge, which allows us to discuss ideas and bring them to a structured solution". Chambers also described Hans Stamm as a "very bright lawyer".

Mr. Stamm is a frequent speaker and contributor to magazines on tax and regulatory issues of private funds and of structured investment products. He is also a co-author of a leading German publication on private debt financing.

Prior to joining Dechert, Mr. Stamm was a partner from 2000-2009 in the banking practice of another international law firm, and from 1994-1999 he worked in Munich and New York in the financial services group of a professional services firm (where he also worked at an affiliated law firm as a partner for two years).

  • Rubinstein & Schmiedel on the structuring and launch of their first regulated crypto trading investment fund.
  • Rudy Capital on the structuring and initial issuance of debt instruments linked to a portfolio of crypto assets.
  • Aukera Real Estate AG on the structuring and set-up of a Luxembourg real estate debt fund in the legal form of an S.C.A. SICAV-RAIF
  • Robus Capital Management on the establishment of two private debt funds focused on German and European middle market companies.
  • Swiss Capital (affiliate of StepStone Group) in connection with tax and legal structuring of various European and US private funds for German and European insurance investors investing in European and US direct lending.
  • German insurance investors and pension funds in connection with tax and legal structuring of investments in private debt and private equity funds, including through Fund linked Notes.
  • Prime Capital on the capital increase of an established investment platform for secured aircraft loans and on an innovative repackaging transaction for institutional investors.
  • KGAL on the US regulatory and tax structuring of the sale of equity investments in 12 Airbus A319 airplanes with leases attached to a US investor as part of share deals.
  • German fund sponsors on the structuring of renewable energy and debt funds and the investment-structuring of such funds, including the set up of a Luxembourg fund investing in German, Italian and French solar and wind energy projects.
  • A fund managed by asset investment firm AGC Equity Partners Limited on the partial acquisition of Vodafone Campus as well as on the related financing.
  • HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt on the setup and fundraising of a closed-end fund in the form of a German Limited Partnership (KG).
  • A leading global alternative investment manager on the structuring of fund linked notes referenced to a PE fund of funds and to hedge funds.
  • A U.S. investment manager on the structuring and implementation of a real estate lending platform into Germany.
  • A large German bank on the structuring and offering of a multi aircraft lease portfolio fund.
  • Various international fund managers on the structuring and offering to German retail and institutional investors of international real estate, debt and private equity fund of funds.


  • Private Credit Capital Raising in Europe – Round Table, New York (October 2024)
  • Retailisation of Alternative Asset Classes - Luxembourg Investment Funds Webinar Series (December 2021)
  • Private Funds Nuts & Bolts: Raising Capital From Insurance Companies | Fund Structuring for Risk-Based/Solvency Capital for Insurance Companies in the U.S. and Europe – Dechert LLP, Webinar (June 2021)
  • Welche Vorteile bieten Luxemburger PE Strukturen für deutsche Investoren und Fondsmanager?, LPEA - Luxemburg: Internationaler Private Equity Standort – Frankfurt (November 2019)
  • A View from the Top of the Cycle - Private Debt Investor Germany Forum, Munich (June 2019)
  • Bitcoin + 10: Ten Years of Virtual Currencies and Blockchain — New York, NY (October  2018) 
  • Crypto Funds -Vehikel zur Investition in Krypto — Assets, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (July 2018)
  • Crypto Funds –Vehikel zur Investition in Krypto — Assets, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (May 2018)
  • Private Debt Fund Funds for German Investors , 2nd Annual LPGP Connect Private Debt - Berlin (November 2017)
  • BAI Workshop Investmentsteuerreform, Veranstaltung des Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI) - Frankfurt am Main, Taunusanlage 16 (June 2017).
  • Structuring Funds for German Investors, PDI Germany Forum 2017 - Munich (June 2017)
  • Investment Forum München —Munich (November 2016)
  • Germany Forum 2016,  A Conference Presented by Private Debt Investor - Munich (June 2016)
  • Besicherte Anleihen als flexibles Finanzierungsinstrument: Emittentenwünsche versus Investorenanforderungen, 29. FERI Frühjahrstagung - Frankfurt (April 2016)
  • Securitisation of Solar Assets in the US Market –A New Emerging Asset Class, TSI Congress 2014 - Berlin (October 2014)
  • Rechtlich und steuerlich effzienter Marktzugang zu ausländischen Private Equity und Infrastruktur-Fonds — Munich (December 2013)
  • AIF(M) Comparison of Different Options and Locations, 12th SECA Private Equity & Corporate Finance Conference - Zurich (July 2013)
  • Rechtliche und steuerliche Zugangshürden bei Anlagen in Alternative Investments, 7. HSBC Alternative Investments Konferenz - Düsseldorf (June 2013)
  • Geschlossene Fonds: Ist das Gras in Luxemburg grüner?, Seminar von Ernst & Young, Dechert und Vistra - Hamburg/ München (February 2013)
  • AIFMD -Consequences for Marketing Funds into Germany, Swiss Funds Organization (SFA) Seminar - Zürich (January  2013)
  • AIFMD –Auswirkungen auf das Fund Raising,  SECA Evening Event: Outlook 2013 - Zürich (January 2013)
  • Die neue Investmentfondsbesteuerung, EUROFORUM-Konferenz - Frankfurt (November 2012)
  • Current Legal and Tax Issues Relating to Investments in Hedge Funds and Other Alternative Assets, EUROFORUM Conference - Cologne, Germany (March 2011)
  • Kapitalanlagen, Neue Anlageverordnung für Versicherungen /Investments - New Regulation for Insurance Companies - Düsseldorf (October 2010)
  • The Implications of the Directive for Administrators and Custodians in Key Jurisdictions, Management Global Information SA's 3rd Annual AIMFD Conference - Luxembourg (September 2010)
  • Third Country Provisions and Implications for European Investors and Industry Professionals, Management Global Information SA's 3rd Annual AIMFD Conference - Luxembourg (September 2010)